Oliver Morley
Optimist and enthusiast
Useful skills to bring to the Rally
Useful skills to attain prior to departure
Ability to mend broken cars;
13 new languages (to a reasonable degree of fluency); and
How to catch marmots.
About me
I have particularly long limbs.
If I were to go on Mastermind my specialist subject would be English towns and their museums.
John Cooper
Suffers from an acute case of gingeritis (which, incidently, is not contagious)

Useful skills to bring to the Rally
Too many to list here (and all really impressive).
Fellow of the International Gingerkids Foundation
Experinced campigner looking forward to new life in Mongolia

Useful skills to bring to the Rally
Full Service History
Willingness and a sense of duty
Useful skills to attain prior to departure
Ability to regenerate lost or broken parts
Ability double as boat in event of Caspian Ferry sinking
About Me
I smoke a little bit more than I should
I have dog hairs on my back seat
I'm a little bit worried about the bumpy roads and weak petrol
I still haven't met Oli, but he sounds very enthusiastic